A season of Gaelic events at SSC
Tha coimhearsnachd bheòthail de luchd-labhairt agus luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a’ fuireach ann an Dùn Éideann, agus tha sinne aig Ionad Sgeulachdan na h-Alba glè thoilichte gu bheil sinn am measg nan ionadan a tha a’ toirt taic do na h-ealain Gàidhlig anns a’ bhaile. Ann am prògram a’ gheamhraidh am bliadhna-sa, bidh ceithir tachartasan a’ nochdadh sa Ghàidhlig, a bhios freagarrach airson gach aois agus ìre labhairt.
Edinburgh is home to a small but growing community of Gaelic speakers and learners, and the Scottish Storytelling Centre is proud to be one of several venues supporting Gaelic arts in the capital. The Centre’s winter programme features four fantastic Gaelic productions, offering entertainment for all ages and levels of language ability.
Next month, John Murray will lead us on a journey through Scotland’s hills and glens in Reading the Gaelic Landscape on Fri 5 Feb. Held in English, this 2-hour workshop shows how place names help us understand the shape of our landscape, and how they have created a vast repository of stories, songs and poems – a perfect example of this is the intense and visionary poem ‘Hallaig’ by Sorley Maclean, which will be analysed during the session. A must for anyone interested in transporting our traditions into the modern age.
On Tue 15 & Wed 16 Mar, Theatre Gu Leòr presents Shrapnel, a tale of crime, misfits and false accusations set in the darkest depths of Leith. Adapted from Tormod a Bhocsair’s seminal Gaelic novel, this gripping play blends a gritty setting, fantastic characters and anarchic humour, all brought together with animations, music, and English subtitles for non-Gaelic speakers.
For young learners and their parents, Adventures with the Gaelic Tree Alphabet on Sat 19 Mar tells the story of An Gille Dubh, the Guardian of the Trees, and the riches of Scotland’s vibrant woodlands. Perfect for ages 6 and up, this fun yet touching workshop explores Gaelic’s decline, the Highland Clearances and environmental issues, with lots of Gaelic poetry and references throughout.
On Mon 21 Mar, pupils from Stenhouse Primary School and Tynecastle High School present the tale of The Iolaire, the ship that sank off the coast of Stornoway on New Year’s Day 1919. One of the most tragic events ever to befall the Western Isles, with some 200 Lewis and Harris men drowned in sight of the harbour lights, the story is retold here through drama, Gaelic poetry and song from a talented young cast.
Click here to download the full Jan-Mar programme of events at the Scottish Storytelling Centre.