Calling all storytellers – come and develop your sensory storytelling skills! Sensory stories are stories told with the help of props, sounds, smells, actions and other stimuli. Using sensory stories can be a wonderful way of creating story sessions that are fun for children and adults with additional needs, people living with dementia, people with … Continued
ReadGlasgow, Scotland – 25th-27th June 2024: Glasgow played host to a vibrant celebration of storytelling at the FEST Conference and Village Storytelling Festival, drawing enthusiasts and professionals from across Europe and the world. From the 25th to 30th June, the city buzzed with the power of stories, creating unforgettable moments of connection, learning, and inspiration. … Continued Originally published in Facts & Fiction, August 2024 2022 was designated Scotland’s Year of Stories and Storytelling, and this injection of funding naturally created a bonanza year for storytelling projects in Scotland. One of the projects I was invited to work with was Whispers From the Woods & Wilds, a multiple-agency Badger project. Over … Continued
ReadBuilding a storytelling business in the Borders Franziska Droll with questions from Anne Hunter When did your storytelling journey start? I know we first met on the Storytelling Apprenticeship and wonder what prompted you to join the apprenticeship? When I was 18 years old I saw a storyteller in Germany on a medieval market. … Continued
ReadMidlothian Folk Tales for Children ( 2024) by Tim Porteus follows on from East Lothian Folk Tales for Children (published 2018). In this new book there are sixteen tales of history, mystery, magic and mythical creatures as well as relationships between all manner of beings. With colourful and inviting front and back covers by Suu … Continued
ReadGlasgow born multi-award-winning author and storyteller Michael Kerins has worked with Saint Barbara’s Primary School Muirhead, North Lanarkshire on a regular basis for at least fifteen years. Michael says that he was thoroughly delighted when the theme of this past project was accepted immediately by the Head Teacher, Mrs Sheelah McKinney, but he reports that … Continued
ReadOver in Glasgow we are gearing up for not only The Village Storytelling Festival (VSF24) but also the Federation of European Storytelling (FEST) conference! It is only a matter of time before both these two things collide at the CCA on Sauchiehall Street. We are hugely excited to welcome everyone who’ll attend these events from … Continued
ReadBy Claire McNicol In 2022, I took part in a collaboration between the National Library of Scotland with Learning Officer Beverley Casebow and the Welcoming, an organisation which does what it says on the tin, offering support for New Scots to integrate in their new communities. Given the turmoil that was going on in the … Continued
ReadTalking to storyteller Wendy Wolfson, you soon realise what an extraordinary person she is. Faced with a diagnosis of Stage 4 cancer in November, 2023, she amazingly and courageously, began writing about her journey in such a way that it could help others who face this terminal condition. Winding her story back a bit, Wendy … Continued
ReadAnne Dignan, recently welcomed onto the Scottish Storytelling Forum’s Directory of professional storytellers, has quite a story of tragedy and transformation to tell. In her early forties, she received the shocking news that she had dry macular degeneration [MD]. This meant the loss of her central vision, for which there was and still is, no … Continued