Big Dance Pledge 2016
The Big Dance Pledge is a free opportunity to learn an original choreography, or develop it to make it your own, then perform it wherever you are as part of our worldwide performance day.
Akram Khan has created the choreography and the free set of resources for you to get involved in 2016, along with specially composed music track by Nitin Sawhney. Using the themes of‘overcoming adversity’ and ‘achievement’ Akram is encouraging groups to tell their own stories through the choreography and come together to share their experiences in performance
How to Take Part
1. Sign up now, register for free access to the choreographic resources – films, music track and written guides.
2. Use them with your dance group, friends or colleagues to
– Learn the 3-minute dance, or
– Explore creative ideas and develop your own choreography inspired by Akram Khan’s and using Nitin Sawhney’s music track
3. Perform on 20 May 2016 at 1pm or 7pm local time, as part of a series of performances across the world connecting you to thousands of other dancers, or on any other date to suit you.
Workshops and Training for Artists and Teachers
Sessions ranging from 2 hours – 5 days are available for teachers and artists to learn the choreography, tools for structuring sessions and teaching the movement, and gain insight into the themes and creative process used by Akram and the company. Focused sessions on developing, adapting and extending the choreography are also available, to support teachers and artists in meeting participants’ needs and creating unique dance works that reflect the participant group.
Glasgow Session: Monday 29 February 2016, 10am – 4pm
£40 (£30 for members of People Dancing) Book Now
If you would like to organise a training session for a group of people, please contact