
Donald MacPherson: The Legend Lives On

The compilation of compositions by the man known by many the world over as the “greatest piper of the 20 century” is now available in a wonderful book. Donald MacPherson was something of a phenomenon in piping. He was not just a masterful performer, a wonderful teacher and great ambassador for bagpiping across the world but he was a talented composer too. Some of Donald’s compositions have already been published and are well known, such as ‘The Curlew’, ‘Donnie MacGregor’, ‘Echoes of Oban’ and ‘Mrs. Donald MacPherson’, but recently his handwritten manuscript book with early tunes was found including nine which have remained untitled and unpublished until now. For the first time, all Donald’s compositions are now compiled in one book, together with photographs and stories behind the titles. 

Compiling this book has been a labour of love for daughters Katrina and Fiona. Katrina recollected Sadly our mother Gwen, who played a huge part in the collaboration of the material used, passed away before the book was published but we know she would have been delighted with the end result “.” 

The book can be purchased via the College of Piping online shop. :