
Harp Bazaar – For Everything Harp

(Photo: Harp Bazaar pupils win at the Mod)

Harp Bazaar was founded in 2014 by harpists Heather Downie and Pippa Reid-Foster. They met whilst Heather was teaching at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and Pippa was a student studying for a Masters.

Harp Bazaar is all things harp related; courses, workshops, competitions, music books, CDs and everything in between. Promoting harp music in Scotand, providing affordable harp tuition, encouraging young people’s interest in the harp and providing accurate and up to date information about the harp.

They run harp workshops every month for kids and adults in their hometowns. Heather in Dunblane and Pippa in Helensburgh. They now have a new harp tutor on the team Sam MacAdam who runs workshops in Glasgow. All three groups get together to do competitions throughout the year and last year Harp Bazaar won the ensemble class with over 20 harpists performing together at the Royal National Mod, which was held in Lochaber.

Alongside their busy performing and teaching schedules they also organise children’s courses that are bi-annually for up to 5 days for all ability of harp player and an adult harp retreat for adults to get pampered in a lovely hotel alongside playing their harps all weekend. The adult retreat will be run at the end of October this year, details still to be confirmed but watch this space.

For more information on Harp Bazaar events, courses, teaching email: