Pamela King

Pamela King is Professor Emerita of Medieval Studies and Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow. Before her return to Scotland, she held academic, managerial, and governance posts in the Universities of York, London, Cumbria and Bristol. Her still-active research and publications focus on editing and critiquing Scots and English early poetry and drama, as well as theatre and performance history. She also has a long-standing interest in European civic festivals – survivals, revivals and reinventions.

From 2013-2021, she took over her family’s property in Assynt, and lived there between April and September, running an eco-friendly tiny house on the NC500, keeping bees, leading walks focused on the Clearances, and acting on the Board of Historic Assynt. Currently she is Treasurer of Edinburgh Folk Club, a member of the Board of the Scottish Text Society. She is also a crafter, specializing in silver-smithing, and is fluent in Early Scots and in Doric.