Fund Now Open To Support Events in Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design 2016
From EventScotland:
A brand new £200,000 events fund created to develop activity to celebrate Scotland’s achievements in innovation, architecture and design is now open and we are welcoming applications from the events and festivals sector across Scotland for grants of up to £20,000.
From textiles to technology, architecture to fashion and design, the year-long programme of activity from 1 January to 31 December 2016 will shine a spotlight on Scotland’s greatest assets and icons, as well as hidden gems.
Funding will be awarded to create new event activity or enhance existing event programmes that reflect the themes and support the objectives of the year.
Paul Bush OBE, Director of Events at VisitScotland said: “Themed years give Scottish tourism an edge, galvanise partners and create a strong collaborative platform to promote Scotland and its valuable attributes.
“We are delighted to launch the dedicated 2016 Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design events fund, which will help deliver a programme of activity aimed at supporting and driving the nation’s tourism and events sector during this special year.”
The deadline for applications is Friday 24 July 2015. To download an application form and guidance please follow the link below.