
Gaelic poetry collection to be published by Ceòlas

Caimbeulaich à Taobh a Deas Loch Baghasdail – leabhar ùr a’ tighinn a-mach, November 2015.

Tha Ceòlas gu bhith a’ foillseachadh roghainn de bhàrdachd leis na Caimbeulaich à  Taobh a Deas Loch Baghasdail a rinneadh trì ginealaich thar ceud bliadhna an Uibhist. Bidh na h-uile eòlach air òrain Ròideag – ‘A Pheigi a Ghràidh’ agus ‘Òran na h-Airship’. Ach a bharrachd, bidh an cruinneachadh seo a’ toirt bàrdachd nach robh an clò a-riamh gu follais.

Co-dhiù ma tha thu a’ togail òrain ùra airson seinn aig cèilidh, neo a’ sgrùdadh beatha làitheil na coimhearsnachd an Uibhist sna bliadhnaichean a dh’aom, gheibh thu tlachd às na duilleagan grinn seo, ‘s iad air an sgeadachadh le dealbhan bho linn ‘s beatha nam bàrd.

New book to be published – Caimbeulaich à Taobh a Deas Loch Boisdale

Ceòlas will publish a selection of Gaelic poetry from three generations of one family, the Campbells of South Loch Boisdale, composed over the space of 100 years in Uist. Everyone is familiar with the songs of Ròideag – ‘A Pheigi a Ghràidh’ and ‘Òran na h-Airship’. In addition, this compendium will feature many previously unpublished songs.

Whether you’re learning new songs for a cèilidh, or investigating daily life of bygone Uist, this book, featuring photos of the time and lives of the bards, is a must have for both the Uibhisteach, at home and abroad, and those interested in Gaelic heritage.

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