Gender Gap in Folk Music: Reflections from 1980’s
Following on from discussions at Celtic Connections and Tradfest on Gender Inequality across Traditional Music, Eileen Penman has shared with us her reflections and concerns on this issue published in 1983 in Edinburgh Folk Club newsletter.
You can read this HERE
Eileen has been a longstanding champion of women’s rights, women’s issues and has been shaking the tree for some time. It is timely to have this look back to the 1980’s and the work Eileen and peers were doing through being not just active in folk music, but writing about it and also putting on events such as Women Live. An article on this written by Glasgow Women’s Library is also included.
This is still a live issue and we look forward to reporting on how current discussions being taken forward by The BIT Collective help to drive a more representative and equal traditional music world in Scotland.