
Job Opportunity: Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland Freelance Coordinator

The Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland (TDFS) seeks a Coordinator who can work on a freelance basis to carry forward the Forum’s development and promotion of traditional dance in Scotland.

With experience in administration and basic marketing, you will be based mainly in the offices of Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland (TRACS) in the Old Town of Edinburgh, reporting to the Board and Convenor of the Traditional Dance Forum and working with colleagues in the other traditional arts of music and storytelling.

Part-time post: 15 hours per week @ £15 per hour.

The contract is for 12 months initially, with a possibility of further extension. 

Covering letter and CV addressed to: Pia Walker, Convenor, TDFS, c/o Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR, or emailed to  

Applications should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than 5pm Thursday 12th June 2014.

This job is open to applicants with the appropriate qualifications able to work on a freelance basis.

For further information, please contact or call 01334 654427 (Pia Walker)

Full Job Description