Man of the Minch teams up with poet Peter MacKay, Ceòl is Craic and The Bothy Society to release new live EP of Gaelic material ahead of debut album
“Forward-thinking folk music”
Rolling Stone
In the autumn of 2020, singer-songwriter Man Of The Minch (aka Pedro Cameron) and poet Peter Mackay were invited by Ceòl is Craic to write a collection of songs to celebrate and reflect on the lives of contemporary Gaels in the urban environment. On 5th June, these tracks were performed and broadcast exclusively through Ceòl is Craic’s Facebook page before being released as a live EP via The Bothy Society later in the month.
These five songs combine Man Of The Minch’s “galactic folk-pop” sounds with Peter’s powerful and emotionally complex lyrics and feature musicians from the cream of Scotland’s indie-folk scene Josie Duncan, Laura Wilkie, Charlotte Printer and Audrey Tait.
On discussing the process, Pedro says, “As a learner, writing songs was such a brilliant way to get a real understanding of Gaelic and its natural rhythm and lyricism. Putting Peter’s gorgeous writing to music felt so natural and organic. As a musician, using songwriting was a perfect tool for learning, and new experiences and lessons learned are always a great source for creativity”.
Over the past few years, Man Of The Minch has become one of the most exciting names at the forefront of Scottish folk music. Blending traditional Celtic sounds with personal, profound storytelling, he has already picked up his fair share of fans and followers. Winner of the Up and Coming Artist of the Year at the 2019 Scots Trad Awards, he is breathing new life into traditional music whilst staying true to what makes that music so timeless.
A well-known collaborator on the folk scene, he has performed as a vocalist and fiddle player with the likes of Finn Anderson, Broken Chanter and Rachel Sermanni. He is also the founder of Bogha-frois: LGBT+ Voices in Folk, which debuted at Celtic Connections in 2019 and was invited to return to the festival for 2020. The project brings together instrumentalists, songwriters, writers, poets and performers from across Scotland’s LGBT+ community. The release of his double A-side singles “Undertow” and “Better Off Alone” garnered extensive radio airplay and acclaim, including being named one of the Top Country/Americana Songs to Hear Now by Rolling Stone magazine.
Sradagan na Sràide is a five-year collaboration by Ceòl is Craic and Comhairle nan Leabhraichean (Gaelic Books Council) to provide a platform for the best musical and literary talents in Scottish/Gaelic arts to create a new collection of Gaelic songs for today’s urban Gael.
The Sradagan na Sràide live EP will be released via The Bothy Society ahead of Man of the Minch’s debut album ‘The Tide is at the Turning’, which is due for release in August 2021.
‘Sradagan na Sràide’ Live EP Tracklist:
1. Air Stairsneach na h-Oidhche
2. Drochaid
3. Rathad Mòr an Iar
4. Madame MacGregor
5. Sgùrr Alasdair
Find Man Of The Minch online: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Spotify | Website
Find Peter Mackay online: Scottish Poetry Library | Twitter
Find Ceòl is Craic online: Website | Facebook
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(Photo of Man Of The Minch by Ross Anderson @ off brand.)
“Forward-thinking folk music”
(Ceòl dùthchasach nua-aimsireil)
Rolling Stone
As t-fhoghar 2020, fhuair an seinneadair is sgrìobhaiche òrain Man Of The Minch (’s e sin Pedro Camshron) agus am bàrd Pàdraig MacAoidh, cuireadh bho Cheòl is Craic gu cruinneachadh de dh’òrain a sgrìobhadh, a chomharrachadh agus a mheòrachadh air beatha nan Gàidheal co-aimsireil anns an àrainneachd bhailteach. Air 5 Ògmhios, thèid na h-òrain sin a chur an gnìomh agus a chraobh-sgaoileadh a-mhàin tro dhuilleag Facebook aig Ceòl is Craic , gam foillseachadh mar EP beò tro Am The Bothy Society nas fhaide air adhart air a’ mhìos seo.
Tha na còig òrain sin a’ cothlamadh nam fuaimean grinn tuath-pop aig Man Of The Minch, leis na facail chumhachdach agus fìor fhaireachdainneil aig Pàdraig agus an luchd-ciùil as cliùitiche ann an saoghal ceòl dùthchasach neo-eisimeileach na h-Alba, Josie Duncan, Laura Wilkie, Charlotte Printer agus Audrey Tait.
Ann an deasbad air a’ phròiseas, tha Pedro ag ràdh, “Mar neach-ionnsachaidh, bha sgrìobhadh òrain na dhòigh air leth airson fìor thuigse fhaighinn don Ghàidhlig agus a ruitheam nàdarra is ceòlmhorachd. Bha a bhith a’ cur ceòl ri sgrìobhadh mìorbhaileach Phàdraig a’ faireachdainn cho nàdarra agus gnèitheach. Mar neach-ciùil, bha sgrìobhadh òrain na inneal foirfe dhomh airson ionnsachadh, agus tha eòlasan is leasanan ùra an-còmhnaidh nan tùs math airson cruthachalachd.”
Thar nam beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh, tha Man of the Minch air a thighinn gu bhith mar aon de na h- ainmean as brosnachaile aig fìor aghaidh tuath-cheòl na h-Alba. A’ co-mheasgachadh fuaimean Ceilteach le aithris air sgeulachdan domhainn agus pearsanta, tha e mar-thà air àireamh mhath de luchd-leantainn a thional. Na bhuannaiche air Neach-ealain na Bliadhna san Amharc aig Duaisean Traidiseanta na h-Alba 2019, tha e a’ cur beatha ùr ann an ceòl traidiseanta ach a’ fuireach dìleas don nì a tha a’ fàgail a’ chiùil sin gun aois.
Ainmeil ann an saoghal ceòl dùthchasach airson a bhith a’ co-obrachadh, tha e air gnìomhadh mar sheinneadair agus mar chluicheadair fìdhle còmhla ri daoine mar Finn Anderson, Broken Chanter agus Rachel Sermanni. Tha e cuideachd na neach-stèidhidh air Bogha-frois: LGBT+ Voices in Folk, a bha air àrd-ùrlar an toiseach aig Celtic Connections ann an 2019 agus chaidh cuireadh a thoirt dhaibh tilleadh don fhèis ann an 2020. Tha am pròiseact a’ toirt luchd-ionnsramaidean, sgrìobhaichean òrain, sgrìobhadairean, bàird agus luchd-gnìomhaidh còmhla, bho air feadh coimhearsnachd LGBT+ na h-Alba. Choisinn a chlàr dùbailte “Undertow” agus “Better Off Alone” moran foillseachaidh agus cliù air an rèidio, a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith ainmichte mar aon de Òrain Top Country/Americana gu Hear Now leis an iris Rolling Stone.
Is e co-obrachadh coig-bliadhna a th’ ann an Sradagan na Sràide eadar Ceòl is Craic agus Comhairle nan Leabhraichean (Gaelic Books Council) gus àrd-ùrlar a sholarachadh do na tàlantan ciùil is litreachais as fheàrr ann an saoghal ealain Albannach/Gàidhlig, gus cruinneachadh ùr de òrain Ghàidhlig a chruthachadh do Ghàidheil bailteil an latha an-diugh.
Thèid EP beò Sradagan na Sràide fhoillseachadh leis Am Bothy Society ron chiad albam aig Man of the Minch, ‘The Tide is at the Turning’, a tha an dùil fhoillseachadh san Lùnastal 2021.
Liosta EP Beò ‘Sradagan na Sràide’:
1.Air Stairsneach na h-Oidhche
3.Rathad Mòr an Iar
4.Madame MacGregor
5.Sgùrr Alasdair