
Pomegranates – Celebrating International Dance Day

Above: Pomegranates festival poster image courtesy of featured dancer Yilei Chen. Detail photograph by Feifei

An initiative of the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland (TDFS), this pilot edition of Pomegranates starts with a professional development workshop featuring dancers, musicians, visual artists and storytellers at the St Leonard’s Land Dance Studio, the University of Edinburgh on 29 April 2022 10am-4pm.

Pomegranates culminates on 30 April 2022 5-10pm at the Scottish Storytelling Centre. This finale includes a costume promenade show at the Netherbow Theatre under the live accompaniment of Tom Oakes – one of the UK’s top flautists and multi-instrumentalists. It is followed by an energetic Ceilidh at the Storytelling Court. It is preceded by TDFS Annual General Meeting at Netherbow Theatre which features the screen dance premiere of the Pomegranates life drawing artist-in-residence Claudia Nocentini. Expect also a headdress parade in tribute to Ukrainian traditional dance artists, presentations by invited guests, a book launch and lively discussions.

Pomegranates festival is free to all TDFS members. Take advantage of this two-day festival extravaganza. Become a member today or rejoin at Subscribe to TDFS bimonthly newsletter here.

Pomegranates festival is a TDFS project curated by Iliyana Nedkova, Eleanor Sinclair and Wendy Timmons and funded by TRACS – Scotland’s National Network for Traditional Arts and Culture. In-kind support by the Scottish Storytelling Centre and Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh through the MSc Dance Science and Education and DansEd. Additional in-kind support by the Bulgarian Cultural and Educational Centre Scotland.

Book your Pomegranates festival pass at

Pomegranates festival poster image courtesy of Zeynep Aciktepe at unsplash


Pomegranates is a Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland project funded by TRACS – Scotland’s National Network for Traditional Arts and Culture. In-kind support is provided by the Scottish Storytelling Centre and Moray House School of Education and Sport at the University of Edinburgh through the MSc Dance Science and Education. Additional partmership support provided by the Bulgarian Cultural and Educational Centre Scotland through the City of Edinburgh Council Flexible Fund