Scottish music graded exams at the RCS
Scottish Music Graded Exams
For fiddle, accordion and harp
The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland offers graded examinations in Scottish traditional music in which anyone can participate, from school-age pupils to adult learners and enthusiasts. Syllabuses, repertoires and entry guidelines can be viewed on their website.
You will be able to create an exam programme from this carefully chosen resource for TMGE or SQA exams, Curriculum for Excellence, ceilidhs and concerts – the tunes are collected from many well-known players, teachers and arrangers.
Working together with publisher Taigh na Teud and a range of Scotland’s foremost traditional musicians and tutors, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland is pleased to announce their new updated syllabuses for fiddle, harp and accordions are now available direct from These include new selections of tunes in addition to timeless favourites, a wider range of practice specimens for Quick Studies and PAM tests and all-new downloadable bundles comprising all you need to get started with your pupil or teacher.
Taigh na Teud , working exclusively with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, publish collections of exams repertoire for fiddle, accordion and Scottish harp in Grades 1-5, with specimen aural tests and quick studies. These are diverse collections containing both traditional and recently composed tunes in the traditional Scottish idiom.
The exams books are available on Taigh na Teud’s book and DVD website. Downloadable MP3s of the sound files are available too, so you can hear the tunes and easily choose your repertoire for an exam or a new tune to learn. You can also buy the exam sheet music as single PDF copies to download.