People Dancing are delighted to announce a worldwide call for contributions to the programme of their second international conference for community and participatory dance.
Within specific themes and areas of interest, we would like to hear from people in the broadest range of settings and participant groups, in countries around the world. We aim to curate a programme of world-leading and ground-breaking dance work that will support delegates in catalysing new areas of activity, relationships and development of knowledge and skills that will enable more people to take part in high quality dance opportunities.
We are seeking a variety of formats across presentation, practical and performance areas, allowing work to be discussed, experienced and seen in the way that best suits the contribution. Three themed and inter-connected strands will run through the Glasgow 2017 Conference, offering focused exploration of practice and its impact:
•Cultural identity and sense of place
•Dance and older people
•Dance for Parkinson’s
Contributors will be offered subsided delegate places at the event. Full details on the submission and programming process, along with a submission form, are available here and can be completed online or downloaded for submission by email.
Deadline for submissions: Wednesday 10 May at 17:00 (GMT)