Booking now open for the Scotland’s Dancing: What’s your move? Dance Conference 2017
A new dance conference for Scotland’s school teachers, dancers, dance artists and students has been launched by the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and YDance (Scottish Youth Dance) – the national dance organisation for young people in Scotland. The new conference titled Scotland’s Dancing: What’s your move will take place on Friday 23 June at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow.
Celebrating the rich variety of dance performed and delivered in Scotland, this free event draws together professionals and teachers from across the country to discuss the future of Scotland’s dance education. The conference is held in advance of the Royal Conservatoire launching its first postgraduate qualification for dance teachers, the MEd Learning and Teaching in the Performing Arts: Initial Teacher Education in Dance.
This is the first event held in partnership with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and YDance and will feature workshops by dance professionals including, Scottish Dance Theatre Education Team, Louise Klarnett – a specialist in dance for early years, and Dance Artist Tim Casson. The programme will also include speakers from Creative Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority, panel discussions with dance education professionals from across the UK, and a performance by inclusive dance company Indepen-dance 4.
Professor Jeffrey Sharkey, Principal of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, is delighted to host the event.
“As Scotland’s national conservatoire, we have a special role to play in ensuring everyone in Scotland has access to high quality education in the performing arts, including dance. I’m thrilled we are hosting this conference in partnership with YDance to engage with such a wide spectrum of dance teachers and students.”
Carolyn Lappin, Executive Director of YDance said:
“YDance’s vision is to offer every child and young person in Scotland the opportunity to realise their potential as individuals through dance. A key element of achieving that vision is developing dance in education, both by providing dance tutors in schools and by enabling teachers to develop their skills in using dance in the curriculum. We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland on the “What’s Your Move” conference and we look forward to a productive and inspiring day with dance teachers, leaders and students from across the country”
Click here to book your place.