Oor wirk oan Lure o the Leid podcast haes bin nominatit fir Scots Project o the Year at the Scots Leid Awards! Sin votin haes noo stairtit we wid really appreciate yer support. Ye can vote here – www.scotslanguageawards.com
Our work on Lure o the Leid podcast has been nominated for Scots Project of the Year at the Scots Language Awards! Since voting has now started we would really appreciate your support. You can vote here – www.scotslanguageawards.com
The nominees have been announced for the Scots Language Awards 2023, with over 60 nominees in the running across 12 categories at the annual awards ceremony, which will showcase the very best of Scots language and culture.www.scotslanguageawards.com. Tickets for the Scots Language Awards are available here: https://renfrewshireboxoffice.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173641551
The awards, which were first started in 2019, celebrate the importance of Scots language within arts and culture but also within daily life, education, and business, and will take place at Johnstone Town Hall, in partnership with Paisley.is, on Saturday 16th September. Voting for this year’s Scots Language Awards will be open from Monday 28th August to Sunday 10th September 2023. Votes can be cast at#ScotsLanguageAwards #ScotsLeidAwards