
Latest YMI funding deadlines

Access to Music Making and Strengthening Youth Music funding deadlines

YMI launched the 2016-17 YMI Programme this week and published their Annual Programme Plan for the year ahead.

New guidelines and application forms are now available for the Access to Music Making and Strengthening Youth Music funds.

You can find all the information on the Creative Scotland website.

There are three deadlines for the funds this year:

  • 30th May 2016
  • 10th August 2016
  • 9th November 2016

Please note, there are changes to the application forms this year, details of which can be found in the guidelines. If you have any queries about the new application form, please contact


Time to Shine Nurturing Talent Fund

The Nurturing Talent fund is now open for applications. It provides funding for young people aged 14 – 20 to develop their talent in within a particular artform or the creative industries. Deadlines are:

  • 8th May 2016
  • 26th June 2016
  • 28th August 2016

Further details about how to apply can be found here.