Book Alastair McIver
Alastair McIver has a wide repertoire of stories from around the world, which he has incorporated into his hugely successful ‘Storyship‘ sessions. Alastair likes to share his own imaginative stories, as well as personal reminiscence and tales made up on the spot. His storytelling style is quirky, laid-back and inclusive. He strongly believes that storytelling is 90% listening, and has an ability to build a rapport with his audience
Alastair has an Honours Degree in Community Education, and is passionate about the power of stories to build and sustain communities. He has worked with children of all ages, has run reminiscence sessions for older adults, and includes all sorts of applied storytelling techniques in his approach. Alastair is also an author, with his debut novel, ‘Glasgow Fairytale’, available from Black and White Books.
Alastair has been telling stories as long as he can talk, with clear memories of telling dinosaur tales into a cheap tape recorder which went CLUNK-CLUNK-CLUNK when he was six. He grew up in Dumfries hearing stories of Charlie and Dobbin, a boy and his talking horse, invented by his father. As an adult, Alastair has introduced the Charlie and Dobbin stories to a new generation of young listeners!
Alastair is a stalwart of Glasgow storytelling clubs the Better Crack Club and Even Better Crack Club. He has also told at The Village Storytelling Centre, the Edinburgh Guid Crack Club and the Scottish Storytelling Centre. Alastair has also organised his own storytelling events, bringing Burns to life for adults in Tchai Ovna, and has secured funding from the Jean Armour Burns Trust to run Burns-themed storytelling sessions in primary schools in and around Glasgow.