Book Anne Dignan
Anne Dignan is a storyteller living in Edinburgh. As a person living with sight and hearing loss Anne has worked with charities such as Deaf Blind Scotland, the Macular Society and Scottish Health & Social Care Alliance using her lived experience to encourage others to tell their personal stories promoting a sense of positive wellbeing.
Anne undertook the storytelling apprenticeship with The Scottish Storytelling Forum in 2021 being mentored by much acclaimed Rona Barbour and Bob Mitchell. Anne completed the apprenticeship in 2023. Anne won the Tall Tales Oscar at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in 2022 during her time as an apprentice storyteller.
Anne enjoys telling stories to a wide range of audiences. She continues to work with vulnerable groups, the elderly and as a retired primary school teacher she has had a lot of experience working with children.
Anne delivers a wide range of stories including fairy tales, environmental tales, myths and legends many of which she writes herself. She particularly enjoys telling Travellers’ Tales and Traditional Tales from her native Scotland which she often delivers in Scots tongue.
Anne has experience working with Art Galleries and Art Collections including the National Galleries of Scotland, The Fruit Market Gallery, the Edinburgh Art Festival and Art in Health Care delivering stories relating to art works in some cases as part of their visually impaired programmes. Anne is passionate to ensure storytelling is accessible to groups who may not otherwise have ease of access. She considers storytelling a powerful tool to combat isolation, loneliness and frustration by bringing people together.
Anne has successfully produced and delivered shows including Tales of Gallus Women for the Audacious Women Festival being a collaborative event with other female storytellers. She has also participated in Seasonal Storytelling at the City Art Centre.
Anne regularly tells stories on online platforms both nationally and internationally reaching as far as America and Russia. She has been a member of the Burgh Blatherers since 2019.
Anne is a member of Equity, has public liability insurance and holds an up-to-date PVG Certificate.