Book Anne Errington
Anne’s favourite stories are Celtic folk tales and stories from all over the world that are funny, scary or “horrible”, as her young audiences describe them. She also likes stories that have caught her interest about communities. Her father’s interest in Arabia led her to collect stories of the middle east, and Anne she has re-worked the mythic stories of Hercules. Children of seven to twelve years are Anne’s favourite audience as she likes to use lots of movement to make the sessions interactive, but she also loves telling to adults.
Born in Malaya and brought up in Scotland, Anne’s interest in storytelling was fostered by her family. As a child, she was entertained by her grandmother and her aunts’ stories with tales from the Blue Fairy Story Book. Trained in physical theatre and mime in Paris, Anne has worked with native American storytellers in the United States and told stories to children in Romanian orphanages. Anne has told stories in museums; schools; woods; art galleries; at historic sites and at festivals.