Book Anne Pitcher
Anne Pitcher believes passionately in the power of storytelling to enhance people’s lives. Stories rich in humour, drama, passion, history, mystery, wonder and action appeal to Anne, as well as Celtic stories with fairy tales and legends tugging Anne’s heart strings in telling. Anne enjoys recreating a sense of place and time with rich characters and interesting plots, using a highly participative and multi-sensory approach with the help of songs, rhymes, music, sound makers, puppets and interesting backdrops.
She is skilled at developing both children’s and adult’s storytelling skills, encouraging them to create their own tales. CPD can be delivered anywhere and tailored to all requirements. As a committed Christian, Anne aims to bring the Bible alive for any age group, in an interactive and engaging way. She also provides CPD for church groups in storytelling. Having been a nursery teacher, Anne believes in the power, relevance and effectiveness of storytelling within education and understands the implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence within Early Years. Anne is also experienced in engaging children with Additional Support Needs through multi-sensory, interactive, participatory storytelling.
Puppets are often part of Anne’s stories and she has a “family” of about 500, from simple envelope puppets to shadow puppets, with a focus on re-using and re-cycling materials. Anne also offers puppet making workshops. In 2013, Anne began a journey in telling and translating stories into French for a bi-lingual storytelling project, and she is always willing to embark on a storytelling. Her most recent has been the ongoing project telling the story of Kilbarchan which is TASGADH funded – for details visit