Bob Mitchell

Book Bob Mitchell

Bob Mitchell is a warm and lively storyteller with a wide-ranging repertoire including material in his native Doric Scots. He enjoys incorporating his own creations into his performances, which are always generously laced with his distinct brand of humour! He is a past winner of the Scottish Storytelling Centre’s Tall Tales Oscar.

Bob was born and brought up on an Aberdeenshire croft and learned his first stories as a toddler whist ’helping’ his father with the countless tasks that faced a hardworking North-East crofter. He trained as a nurse in mental health in the sixties and is now retired from his post of Senior Lecturer (Mental Health) at Napier University, Edinburgh.

Bob is very experienced in telling to older adults in Care Homes and Day Centres in East Lothian and in primary schools in East and Midlothian, Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders. He is also experienced and confident working in and around prisons and in telling stories by telephone to housebound individuals.

He is a veteran of Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival and performs regularly at the Haddington and Buchan Heritage Festivals and on Local Radio.

Bob is very much in demand for Burns Events throughout January and February and is the Immediate Past President of ‘Poosie Nansie’s Burns Club’ in Newcraighall, Edinburgh. He has convened an annual Burns competition for primary schools in the Newcraighall district of Edinburgh for over 20 years.  His extensive network of Burns enthusiasts means that he can provide a bespoke event for any occasion.

Following the covid-19 pandemic Bob has embraced the Zoom culture with enthusiasm and increasing competence and welcomes the international networking opportunities that it encourages.

He is currently Chair of Edinburgh’s Burgh Blatherers, a group that exists to support storytellers at all stages of their journey and provide a safe place to tell in a supportive environment. He is a passionate supporter of emerging storytellers and a willing mentor and workshop leader.

He is a leading figure in the establishing of the bi-monthly Storytelling Ceilidhs held in conjunction with the Scottish Storytelling Centre and is a regular host of these events. He is a relaxed and versatile MC, compere and host and a practised after dinner speaker.

Bob is an enthusiastic supporter of the Buchan Heritage Festival held annually in Strichen, Aberdeenshire and has won a number of prizes in the storytelling, short story writing and poetry sections in recent years.

He is happy to travel throughout Scotland and beyond for storytelling performances and events.

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