Book Colin McAllister
Colin McAllister left his native Ireland over 30 years ago and has been telling stories from his family history and lore since. After some extensive travels in Western Europe and Scandinavia, he has extended his repertoire from Ireland with folktales and legends of remote lands, from Karelia to Galicia.
Colin is an enthusiastic believer in storytelling as a positive force in the development of families and communities. He is strongly committed to using stories in a multi-generational setting. He has been very active in recent years, both in his work and in his leisure time, at establishing programmes of storytelling in community settings, schools and special-care units. He has also developed some imaginative models in promoting reminiscence work.
Colin’s work in storytelling is complemented by his expertise as a traditional singer, and his knowledge of ‘the story behind the song’ from his extensive repertoire of Irish songs. As well as performances in storytelling clubs: he has an established association with the Better Crack Club and the Even Better Crack Club in Glasgow.