Book Jackie Ross
Jackie Ross is an Aberdeenshire ‘quine’, born and bred. A farmer’s daughter and a farmer’s wife, she has a love of the countryside and a passion for local lore and traditions. Her story repertoire is strongly influenced by her background. She tells stories of the land, trees, plants and animals; traditional Scottish stories and folktales from across the world. Where appropriate she enjoys delivering local tales and legends in her ‘mither tongue’, Doric.
Jackie loves to tell tales to children of all ages and to adults as well as family audiences. She has worked on various community storytelling projects in conjunction with local schools, heritage groups, environmental groups and ranger services. These projects have used stories as a means of encouraging participants to relate positively to their local heritage and environment. Most recently she has recorded a series of environmental tales about Jock the Giant for the Baillies of Bennachie website.
Jackie is a retired teacher with over 30 years’ experience spanning Nursery to S6, including additional support needs. She has a passion for story and has run various storytelling clubs and workshops for young people and school staff in Aberdeenshire. She is a founder member of the Grampian Association of Storytellers which was established to support storytellers and encourage the development of storytelling in the north-east of Scotland. Through this group she has led various workshops (both in person and online) for those who want to develop their storytelling skills. Currently she works part-time for the Elphinstone Institute at Aberdeen University where part of her remit is to support the development of diversity in storytelling in the north-east.
In addition to leading guided family walks, Jackie has performed for libraries, castles, Brownie packs, schools, youth groups, nurseries, museums and the Ranger Service. Jackie has also told online at the World Storytelling Cafe and in person at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Arbroath Sea Fest, Portsoy Boat Festival and the Elphinstone Institute (The Barn) Storytelling Festival.