Book Joanne Dowd
Joanne lives in Clackmannanshire and specialises in stories that are based in the Hillfoots which have been passed down in the oral tradition from her mother and grandmother; tales which are yet unrecorded. She also enjoys telling and researching world stories as well as Scottish Traditional Tales.
With a background in Community Education, Joanne likes to interact with the audience and has a natural style where she likes to mix humour with the darker side.
She runs a programme of ‘Wild Hillfoots’ storytelling workshops, primarily aimed at women, to promote well-being, build confidence and resilience. Joanne has worked closely with several local organisations including; Women’s Aid, CTSI, Sheltered Housing, Breathe Easy, Schools, Community Groups, Cubs, Brownies and enjoys telling stories in a variety of settings including in Theatres, Schools, Art Studios and Outdoors on Location.
Director of ‘Hillfoots Tales’ – a Community Interest Company, “connecting people and place on a global level through the magic of storytelling,” her interests include applied theatre, playwriting and teaching creative writing. Joanne is happy collaborating with other storytellers and working with all ages. Her love of the local folklore and exploring the landscape keep her on her toes.
Facebook: @HillfootsTales
Twitter: @hillfootstales or @Yellowsiskin