Book Maria MacDonell
Maria (Mar-eye-yah) tells stories in any space from a garden or library, to a theatre or school, choosing and adapting stories and styles appropriately. She enjoys telling for people of all ages and abilities, especially in mixed aged groups.
Maria tells all kinds of tales. Her stories may be old or brand new, never heard before. They may come from very near or from way back in human imagination. She looks for the absurd, the sad, the mythical and magic. She seeks out stillness as much as movement, and looks for the meaning in silence as well as speech. She can fill a large space or a small corner, always finding ways to travel together with the audience to new places and feelings. With a background in performance and writing Maria also offers traditional tales re worked for contemporary times. When appropriate, she illustrates her telling with simple props and music (flute). Her experience as an historian and museum curator also guides her in the interpretation and presentation of historical tales. She will happily wear costume.
Maria runs the charity Angus Arts, set up in 2000, offering arts experiences for everyone in many different settings. She has spent many years exploring creative arts and drama with adults with learning disabilities at Dundee and Angus College. She is an experienced workshop leader, helping people of all ages and abilities to find and share the limitless stories we have in each of us.
Maria’s experience in historical research, acting, journalism, arts organising, museums and education have brought her to the joyful realisation that all of her career so far has involved storytelling.
Maria enjoys collaborating with other storytellers and with musicians. She is often seen performing at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, or with Edinburgh’s Burgh Blatherers, or appearing in the storytelling group We Three.
Maria’s most recent shared projects are for Tales Out of the Box involving a delightful Japanese Kamishibai storytelling box to enchant children and adults of all ages.