Michael Kerins

Book Michael Kerins

Michael Kerins tells tall and fantastical stories, blending folktales and contemporary life.  A self-confessed “wacky” storyteller, his style breathes the humour, cheek and survivor’s instinct of folktales through the centuries.

Michael works regularly with children, whom he likes to involve in the action and development of the stories. But he is equally a skilled entertainer for adult groups in community or arts centre settings. He is interested in language acquisition and the way children express themselves through story. He has worked with medical educators at Glasgow University, at sales seminars, in-service days and conferences.

Born and brought up in Possilpark in a large family, Michael became accustomed to the use of precise but uncomplicated language, since both his parents were registered blind, and his own imagination was nurtured by his father’s storytelling. Michael Kerins made his debut as a storyteller during the Glasgow Year of Culture in 1990, and has appeared since then at the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, on the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and at events overseas.

He is currently enjoying writing about Wee Tom and sharing his tiny adventures in classrooms and community settings in Scotland and further afield.

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