Book Nancy Nicolson
Nancy Nicolson’s stories are set firmly in Scotland, particularly in the North, with tales of Caithness, the Pentland Firth and Selkies. She mingles her storytelling with song and melodeon, and given half a chance, has the listeners participating. Her natural use of Scots is fundamental to the richness of her storytelling.
As a singer, songwriter and storyteller, Nancy relates warmly to all audiences from toddlers upwards, through schools, Day Centres, Burns Suppers and ceilidhs.
Nancy was brought up on a croft in Caithness. From behind the curtain in the box bed when she should have been sleeping, she used to hear her Granda and his cronies yarning about “poaching and illicit stills”. She remembers there was water from the well, peats for fuel, and a pair of Clydesdales as the only horse-power on the croft, but that did not stop her being an Elvis fan and a rock-n-roller when she went to the dances in Wick.
Nancy has contributed to the BBC Scotland Schools Radio and advises on Scots culture and language in the Scottish school’s curriculum. With the New Makars Trust, she has taught song writing in Fife, and currently works for Celtic Connections. She is a favourite with audiences at folk clubs and festivals.