Book Peter Vallance
Peter Vallance’s repertoire is extensive, including Arthurian stories, interactive children’s tales, Sufi, Hindu and Native American stories. He has researched Inuit stories from Alaska, paralleling this culture with that of the Scottish islands.
Stories of the sea, its magical islands and those who make a spiritual quest over and under the waves, are central to Peter’s storytelling. Of all the stories that Peter tells, the ones concerning Bride, the Celtic Saint and Goddess of creativity, fire and healing are the ones he returns to most. His humorous and lively approach engages children and encourages them to participate.
Peter’s maternal grandfather was born in Unst in one of the last ceilidh houses on the Shetlands. Born and raised in rural Scotland, Peter’s father organised ceilidhs with Hamish Henderson in the 1950s, giving him an early opportunity to hear storytellers like the Stewarts of Blair. Stanley Robertson’s stories of the spiritual and psychological journey of the Traveller hero Jack were a major influence. Peter learned his storytelling stripes by telling to children at Dance Camp Wales and Peace Through the Arts Camp, building an extensive repertoire of traditional stories and learning how to interact with various audiences.
He has experience of working with all age groups from 3 years up, including the teenage years and special needs groups. Within the Findhorn Foundation where he lives and works, Peter incorporates stories into dance workshops. He is equally at home on a large stage, by the fire of his Tipi, in a classroom or under a tree in a field. He has shared stories in many schools, colleges, and workshop centres and with groups learning English as a second language. Festivals all over the world, including Cape Clear, Seattle and Festival at the Edge have welcomed him and he is interested in invitations to all kinds of events.