Book Robbie Fotheringham
Robbie likes to tell amusing stories and those with a twist in the tale. Her stories come from all over the world and include animals and fairies.
Stories that encourage audience participation are great fun and she enjoys encouraging children to contribute their ideas. Traditional fairy stories are great favourites and Robbie likes to use finger puppets to help tell the story. She also has a little green frog (not real) which accompanies her to nurseries and schools. Songs are also a big part of Robbie’s storytelling with children. Robbie likes sharing stories with pre-school and early primary school children. She is also keen to work with older people in residential and sheltered housing.
She is a regular contributor at Dundee’s Blether Tay-Gither storytelling group for adults. Robbie is a Falkirk bairn born and bred, but has lived in Dundee since 2002. As a child, she enjoyed listening to stories at school, Sunday school and round the kitchen table with Granny who popped in on her way home from work. On leaving school in the 70s, Robbie was a library assistant with Falkirk Council until 2003 and spent many a happy time doing Storytime with the under 5s during that period.
Since then, Robbie has worked freelance delivering Song Rhyme & Story sessions to babies, toddlers and parents throughout libraries, nurseries and playgroups up and down the country.