

Strange Town Showcases Shortlisted Chrysalis Festival Play

As part of the new Chrysalis Festival, organised by Youth Theatre Arts Scotland to showcase ambitious and provocative performance by young theatre-makers, Strange Town return to the Centre with their nominated hit show, , for a one-off performance on Wednesday 25 March.

Living in a high rise on a rundown Scottish housing estate, teenager Amy Benson has not had an easy life so far. Her pal Scooby (called Scooby cos… well he doesn’t have a Scooby about much really) does his best to make her smile, but it’s hard when you’ve got a stepdad like Johnny Murdock.

– This is the story of Amy ‘Squeaker’ Benson

– And how she claimed the head of ‘Johnny the Thumb’ Murdock.

– All of what we’re about to show you happened last Christmas.

– On this very estate.

– And before you look at us like that…all of it’s true.

Written by Sam Siggs and created with feedback from Strange Town’s 16-18 year-old youth theatre group, this masterful new piece shatters preconceptions surrounding what some people might expect from a youth theatre play, showcasing punchy, evocative and sometimes shocking writing with themes that are dark but delivered with black humour.  

With Sigg’s summing up the piece as ‘one-liners, machine guns and inappropriate use of Faberge eggs’, enjoy this octet ensemble as they control a bare stage dressed in sharp black suits, and race through their tale with rapid fire delivery, ensuring you are on the edge of your seat.

With a tongue-in-cheek nod and wink to the Tarantino-esque school of film, including a blaxploitation Santa and full scale gory shoot out; this is definitely not a cosy family show but one that definitely highlights why Strange Town is a model of youth theatre that really works for young people.


Strange Town Johnny Murdock Still