St Giles’ Cathedral are running a series of English-language lectures exploring the history, culture and heritage of the Gaelic language from experts across a range of topics, from early literature to modern poetry and contemporary music, as well as a look at Scotland’s rich storytelling traditions with the Scottish Storytelling Forum’s James MacDonald Reid (27 … Continued
ReadEnjoy a unique opportunity to delve into the rich song traditions of Scotland in two upcoming full-day workshops at the Scottish Storytelling Centre – Scots Song with Siobhan Miller on Saturday the 10th of June, followed the next week by Gaelic Song with Sineag MacIntyre. Siobhan and Sineag are two young women who have been … Continued
ReadThe poetry of Donald S Murray will be combined with stories and the magnificent sound of Gaelic Psalms at a special bilingual event on Friday 5 May, which sees members of the Loch Erisort Psalmboat community come together with artist Déirdre Ní Mhathúna and other key Gaelic figures to share their stories and shed light … Continued
ReadThe Shieling Project has a huge potential to inspire all its visitors to appreciate and learn Gaelic. From the stories, songs and place-names of shieling life, to inclusion of Gaelic within tasks and routines around the site, the project can show fluent speakers, learners and those totally new to the language the rich weave of Gaelic within the … Continued
ReadCome and join An Còmhradh Mòr – ‘The Big Conversation’ – with leading experts from Gaelic organisations debating the future of Gaelic learning for adults. Speakers include Shona MacLennan, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Rosemary Ward from Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, Dr. Stuart Dunmore from the Univeristy of Edinburgh and journalist David Eyre. In the afternoon you may wish … Continued
ReadCothrom do luchd-ealain òga Albannach Luchd-ciùil Seinneadairean Sgeulaichean Tha Sabhal Mòr Ostaig & An Lòchran a’ sireadh luchd-ealain Albannach gus pàirt a ghabhail ann am pròiseact eadar Èirinn & Alba, ag obair le buidheann òga ann an Èirinn airson taisbeanadh a chur ri chèile airson cuairt. ’S e cothrom iongantach a tha seo do luchd-ealain … Continued
ReadA new app entitled Fun Folk has been developed to introduce young children to traditional Gaelic music, song, stories and dance. Youth arts organisation Fèis Rois will make it available as a free download for use on most mobile devices and the app will be launched in Edinburgh by Fiona Dalgetty, Fèis Rois CEO, at … Continued
ReadBlending traditional Gaelic song with electronic sounds, Niteworks are one of the most exciting bands on the Scottish music scene. With just a few days to go until they open TradFest 2016 at The Caves, along with Griogair’s Ghettocroft and Dàimh, we spoke to drummer Ruairidh Graham about his influences and inspirations and the band’s … Continued
ReadChaidh tadhal air trì sgoiltean deug agus còrr air sia ceud sgoilear ann an Leòdhas aig deireadh a’ Ghearrain, mar phàirt de sgeama bhliadhnail ‘Cuairtean a’ Mhòid’ aig an Comunn Gàidhealach. A-measg na bha an-sàs, bha Seumas Greumach agus Seonag NicAnndrais bhon Chomunn Ghàidhealach. Cuide riutha, bha luchd-ciùil tàlantach a bhuineas agus a tha a’ … Continued
ReadSeo sgeulachd eagalach mu dheidhinn àite fior ann am Beinn na Faoghla, ‘Àiridh na h-Aon Oidhche’. Mar a chaidh innse le Tormod MacGill-Eain, airson Guthan nan Eilean. Norman MacLean tells the spooky tale of ‘The Shieling of the One Night’ for the Guthan nan Eilean project, a local legend from the Isle of Benbecula in … Continued