
The Dandelion Project: Dig Where You Stand Resource

The Dandelion Project, a creative celebration of growing and community, has published a great new ethnological resource for schools and community groups. The ‘Dig Where You Stand’ resource, created by TRACS’ friends and creative ethnologists, Steve Byrne, Gary West and Mairi McFadyen, provides an introduction to the cultural heritage, traditions, folklore, customs and crafts associated with the harvest and the growing year in Scotland.

The Dig Where You Stand resource encourages people to connect with their own place, through taking part in citizen fieldwork, and encourages exploration of cultural traditions with family and neighbours in communities throughout Scotland.

Find out more about the Dig Where You Stand and other creative resources here and follow the Dandelion project for news of events and further resources here.

Dandelion is commissioned by EventScotland and funded via the Scottish Government. It is Scotland’s contribution to UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK.