
Tinto Ensemble and Registration

The Tinto Ensembles weekend is 3-5th June 2016. After two very well received ensemble courses Hands Up For Trad are going to do it again! This is a course for five young aspiring musicians (age 16-20) to team up with two professionals including Laura Beth Salter (mandolin, song). The musicians will work together to create 3 pieces of music, learning arranging skills and what it takes to put together music for performance.

The event will start on Friday evening when everyone will meet for dinner. After this you chat about the weekend, play some tunes and discuss ideas. Saturday and Sunday will be working on the ensembles with a short concert (of work done) on Sunday at 3pm.

This is obviously a fabulous opportunity for any young aspiring musician however there are only 5 places. Each place costs £100 for the weekend and this includes accommodation and food. If you want to take part can you fill in the form below saying why you would like to be part of the Tinto Ensemble. The deadline for submissions is 8th April. If you are interested please fill in the form at