Tinto Summer School Registration Date Announced
Places at Tinto Summer School are highly sought-after and sell out quickly. Hands Up For Trad have announced the date registrations for 2016 will open:
Registration for all the Tinto Schools of 2016 will commence at 10.00am on Saturday 27th February. I will be in my office on-hand to solve any problems as usual. The dates are…
Tinto Summer School 2016: Monday 4th – Saturday 9th July 2016.
Tutors are…
*Laura Wilkie – fiddle
*Ian Stephenson – guitar
*Sam Partridge – Flute
*Charlie McKerron – fiddle
*Siobhan Miller – song
*James Ross – piano
Tinto Taster 2016 #1: Monday 18th – Wednesday 20th July 2016.
Tinto Taster 2016 #2: Thursday 21st – Saturday 23rd July 2016. Taster tutors are…
*Tina Rees – piano, flute
*Findlay Napier – guitar, song
Adult Tinto 2016: Friday 14th – Saturday 16th October 2016. Tutors are…
*Mark Neal – Guitar
*Dan Thorpe – Fiddle
Many of you will be familiar with the speed at which the big Tinto Summer School can fill up so to stand the best chance of getting in, do recommend being ready mouse-in-hand at the opening date and time. Prior to that you can prepare by checking that you’ve remembered your password or create a new account at www.tintosummerschool.com/shop.