New podcasts highlight shared traditions of Gaelic Scotland and Gaelic Ireland
Pod-craolaidhean ùra mu phròiseact òrain is sgeulachdan na Fèinne eadar Alba is Èirinn
Tha TRACS (Ealain Traidiseanta is Cultar na h-Alba) air a bhith a’ toirt taic do phròiseact cruthachail, trì-chànanach bho 2022 a tha ag amas air beul-aithris is laoidhean Fhinn ‘ic Cumhaill agus gaisgich eile a thoirt air ais don t-sluagh ann an cruthan ùra.
Since 2022, TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland) has been supporting an interdisciplinary, trilingual project to re-interpret the songs and stories of Fionn MacCumhaill and his warrior band, the Fianna, and to present them in an accessible way to a modern day audience.
Fad iomadach linn, bha sgeulachdan is laoidhean Fhinn ’ic Cumhnaill is na Fèinne gan innse ann an Alba is Èirinn is iad aig cridhe dualchas nan Gàidheal. Chan eil iad cho cumanta san latha an-diugh a chleachd iad a bhith.
The tales and songs of Fionn MacCumhnaill and the Fianna stretch back to the 3rd century AD and reached the height of their popularity in Gaelic Scotland and Gaelic Ireland in the Middle Ages. They were an important part of the folklore and culture of both countries for hundreds of years but knowledge of these stories and songs has waned over the past few decades and they are not as commonplace as they once were.
Chaidh aig sàr luchd-ciùil is aithris Mhàiri Hall, Màiri Nic ille Mhaoil, Gráinne Holland, Éamon Doorley agus Màrtainn Mac an t-Saor measgachadh de làmh-sgrìobhainnean is beul-aithris nan Gàidheal à Alba is Èirinn a chleachdadh gus dreachdan ùra de na sgeulachdan is laoidhean a chur ri chèile, a’ toirt sealladh ùr de na sgeulachdan is laoidhean tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is na Gaeilge.
Leading musicians, singers and storytellers Mhairi Hall, Mary MacMillan, Grainne Holland, Eamon Doorley and Martin MacIntyre, have used a variety of sources from the oral and written traditions of Gaelic Scotland and Gaelic Ireland to create ambitious new pieces together, showcasing these songs and stories through their original mediums of Scottish Gaelic and Irish.
Chaidh taisbeanadh de chuid de na sgeulachdan is laoidhean a chumail leis a’ bhuidheann anns na tachartasan, An Ceòl air Feadh na Fèinne, aig Fèis Sgeulachdan Eadar-nàiseanta na h-Alba (SISF) ann an 2023 is aig Celtic Connections ann an 2024. Tha a’ bhuidheann a-nis a’ cur dreach den sgeulachd, An t-Amadan Mòr, air loidhne gus an cluinnear blasad den obair aca. Thèid leabhar-èisteachd trì-chànanach a chur air bhog le sgeulachdan is laoidhean eile ann an 2025.
The group premiered this work with live performances of their collaborative show, An Ceòl air Feadh na Fèinne, at the Scottish International Storytelling Festival in 2023 and at Celtic Connections in 2024. The group are now releasing a preview recording of the story of An t-Amadan Mòr / The Great Fool, as a preview of a new audio book to be released in 2025, aiming to make all of the songs and stories they have been working on accessible to a trilingual audience.
Cluinnear An t-Amadan Mòr air a’ phod-craoladh sgeulachdan Ghàidhlig aig Fòram Sgeulachdan na h-Alba, Sgeul is Seanchas, agus cuideachd air a’ phod-craoladh sgeulachdan Ghaeilge aig Gráinne Holland, Scéalta Thuatha Dé Danann. Rinn Fiona NicDhùghaill bho TRACS agallamh tro mheadhan na Beurla leis a’ bhuidheann a bheireas barrachd fiosrachaidh dhuibh mun phròiseact Òrain is Sgeulachdan na Fèinne gu ruige seo.
An t-Amadan Mòr/The Great Fool will be released simultaneously on the Scottish Storytelling Forum’s Gaelic storytelling podcast, Sgeul is Seanchas, and on Gráinne Holland’s Irish Gaelic storytelling podcast, Tales of Tuath Dé Danann/ Scéalta Thuatha Dé Danann. The track is accompanied by an English medium interview with the group by Fiona MacDougall of TRACS which provides an overview of the Songs and Stories of the Fianna project to date.
Ceanglaichean gu na pod-craolaidhean an seo/links to the podcasts here:
Sgeul is Seanchas –
Scéalta Tuath Dé Danann/Tales of Tuath Dé Danann –
Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig tron Sgeama Cholmcille aca a bhios a’ toirt taic do phròiseactan a tha togail ceanglaichean eadar luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig is Gaeilge.
The project is supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig through their Colmcille scheme, which fosters cultural links between Scotland and Ireland.