
Awards For Young Musicians – Grants Available

Paisley Arts Centre


Do you know a talented young instrumentalist who needs help with musical costs? They may be eligible to apply for up to £2000.


We believe that all talented young people deserve the chance to progress in their music making. That’s why we’re awarding up to £100,000 in grants to exceptional young instrumentalists in need of support.
We are inviting applications from young instrumentalists playing any musical genre to join our 2018 Awards programme. Award winners will receive flexible funding towards musical costs (e.g. tuition, instrument costs, travel etc.) and individual support.  This may comprise mentoring, workshops with professional musicians, the chance to observe professional orchestras and other ensembles in rehearsal, free tickets to concerts and performance opportunities. 

Our Awards programme is means tested and our key criteria are musical talent and financial need. Whatever genre the young musician studies, they can evidence their ability in a number of ways; it is not essential to have taken formal exams. 


How do I find out if a young person is eligible?

Please read the following information before starting an application:

Eligibility criteria 
What we fund

If you think the young person meets the eligibility criteria please do the following:

1. Register for an account on our application portal, or log back into your existing account. You will have an account if you applied last year (forgotten passwords can be reset).
2. Complete an eligibility questionnaire. This should be done by the young musician’s parent(s)/carer(s). A supporting school or organisation can complete an eligibility questionnaire only in cases where the parent/carer is not in a position to.

NB: The online eligibility questionnaire and application can be completed on a computer, mobile phone or tablet device.


What’s involved in applying?

After successfully passing the eligibility stage, you’ll be asked to: 

1. Answer a number of application questions about the young person’s music making
2. Send us a a short audition video
3. Request recommendations from the young person’s instrumental teacher(s), school and an optional additional musical recommendation



When will I hear?

Our adjudication process will take place across March and April 2018. The young musician may be invited to attend an audition in London if they are seeking a high level Award (more than £500). Award offers will be made in May 2018.