From 1st September – 30th November 2016 the Scottish International Storytelling Festival invites the public to #DareToDream: to take part in a collective act of dreaming, storytelling and imagination.
Imagine the best possible future. What stories would you tell to the world today, from the future of your dreams?
Dè na sgeulachdan a dh’ innseadh tu don t-saoghal an-diugh, bho d’ aislingean mun àm ri teachd?
Whit stories wid ye aye tak wi ye, an whit wid ye leave ahint?
Artists and community groups, schools, libraries and social, cultural and environmental organisations are invited to host local events encouraging people to discover the stories of their local place and to dream up possibilities for our shared future.
Every place, every community, every person has a story to tell. Stories are at the core of how we identify and express ourselves, interpret and shape our worlds. Storytelling helps us connect – to each other, to our past, to our place, to our world – and together we are empowered by our connections.
The SISF #DareToDream campaign 2016 reaches for some big themes: active citizenship, heritage, sustainability, creative placemaking, health and recovery, community change and transformation. We have worked with the Scottish Recovery Network, the International Futures Forum, research and design collective Lateral North, the US Department of Arts & Culture and the Scottish Storytelling Forum to create simple resources for you to use. We have also created a downloadable #DareToDream Toolkit for schools and communities.
A social media campaign will run for the duration of the main international festival, with a #DareToDream Day on Thursday 27th October. On this day, every creative citizen in Scotland is invited to share a dream for the future on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the campaign hashtags #DareToDream, #CuirBrighRiBruadar and #DaurTaeDream. Our aim is to make Scotland’s collective imagination visible for the world to see.
Local events happening between September to November inclusive
Social Media Campaign: Friday 21st October – Monday 31st October 2016
Focal point: #DareToDream Day, Thursday 27th October 2016. Visit the Facebook Event page
Various locations across Scotland. Map of all groups can be found at
Local groups and individuals across Scotland will be taking part in storytelling, story sharing and storymaking activities. Storytellers, teachers and community leaders will engage people in dreaming and envisioning the world they hope to inhabit and – looking back from the future – tell the stories of how they got there. The resulting ideas, images, videos and more will be uploaded to an online platform, yielding a crowd-sourced collective dream for the future, inspiring local creativity and community action.
All local groups can register participation and download the #DareToDream toolkit and resources by visiting the campaign website
For more info visit | Facebook: | Twitter: @ScotStoryForum | Instagram: @sisf16