Over one hundred people attended ‘Farewell to Paddy’ at the Scottish Storytelling Centre on Tuesday 28th February to raise a glass, sing a song and remember with gratitude all that Eberhard “Paddy” Bort shared with us. Tributes have been pouring into the Edinburgh Folk Club from those who couldn’t attend, including a letter from Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon.
Paddy’s funeral is taking place in Germany, and his brother Juergen and sister-in-law Birgitt were present at the gathering to meet Paddy’s ‘Scottish family’ and express their appreciation for all the support and help they have received, following their ‘Eber’s’ death.
After Juergen said a few words to begin the evening, singer, storyteller and folklorist Dr. Margaret Bennett led the celebration. There were further contributions from folk singer and musician Steve Byrne, singers Nancy Nicholson, Chris Miles and many more friends sharing inspirations. Allan McMillan, photographer for the Edinburgh Folk Club and good friend of Paddy, recited his own personal tribute with the following poem, which he has kindly let us publish here as a fitting summary to his good friend.
The following letter from Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, was also sent for the occasion, giving an indication of how wide Paddy’s impact on Scotland was:
Further commemorative events will follow later in the year.