“Newer Researchers: Newer Approaches”.
A one day conference jointly hosted by The Folklore Society and The Elphinstone Institute.
Thursday 9 November 2017, 10:15 to 17:30 at The Warburg Institute.
Keynote speaker: Prof. Nick Groom (University of Exeter)
The Study of Folklore has long been lamented as a marginalised discipline, but times are changing. Researchers are increasingly delving into the fascinating realm of folklore—from fairy tales and legends to traditional song and dance—and they’re engaging with the subject in new and exciting ways.
The Folklore Society and the Elphinstone Institute, wishing to promote the development of a new generation of scholars, have been hosting the Newer Researchers, and related FEECA conferences since 2014. This year’s event is timed for the day after the Katharine Briggs Lecture, which will be given by Prof Nick Groom. Participants in the Newer Researchers’ day are encouraged to attend the Katharine Briggs Lecture on Weds 8 November, 17:30 at The Warburg Institute.
The Newer Researchers Day brings together researchers from all disciplines with an interest in folklore research. The title—and broad theme—of this year’s event is “Newer Researchers: Newer Approaches”, reflecting our interest in celebrating and sharing the innovative ways in which many researchers are approaching the discipline.
During the event, we aim to provide an informal space to share experiences, achievements, and strategies in overcoming challenges; explore potential collaborations between newer researchers; consider what different disciplines can bring to Folklore Studies and vice versa; and discuss novel ways of sharing the value of folklore to the wider public.
We would like to invite you to present a short, five-minute presentation of your current research to use as an introduction to other members of the group. Perhaps you are new to Folklore Studies, coming from another field, and interested in what the discipline might offer to your research. Or perhaps you are a more experienced folklorist, interested in engaging with or communicating the discipline in a new way. Please send proposed titles and short abstracts to newer.researchers.fls@gmail.com by 1 August 2017.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Newer Researchers attendees are encouraged to attend the Katharine Briggs Lecture on the preceding evening. Prof Nick Groom’s lecture, “Hallowe’en and Valentine: The Culture of Saints’ Days in the English-Speaking World”, begins at 5:30 pm on Wednesday 8 November, at The Warburg Institute. After the lecture, the winners of The Katharine Briggs Award 2017 will be announced, followed by a wine reception and buffet supper.
The charge for attending the Newer Researchers Conference will be £15 per person. The hosts have a modest sum of money to make contributions towards student participants’ travel and accommodation costs (first come, first served, until the sum is spent). Applications for financial assistance should be addressed to thefolkloresociety@gmail.com
Please circulate details of this event as widely as possible.