The 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS) will be held from 25-28 October 2018 in Helsinki, Finland.
Over 400 industry professionals from throughout the world are expected to attend the conference. Attendees will be invited to participate in didactic sessions, interactive workshops, movement sessions, round table discussions, networking events, debates, poster presentations, and more.
Special Interest Days will be held during the conference, including A Day for Teacher (ADFT) and A Day for Medic (ADFM) on Saturday, 27 October.
Continuing education credits will be provided for physicians and other allied healthcare professionals, and for Certified Athletic Trainers.
The full conference agenda, registration information and information on continuing education credits may be found at
An international group of dance medicine practitioners, dance educators, dance scientists and dancers formed IADMS in 1990. Membership is drawm equally from the medical, health and dance professions, and has grown from an initial 48 members in 1991 to over 1,400 members from 48 countries.
The mission of IADMS is to enhance the health, well-being, training, and performance of dancers by cultivating educational, medical, and scientific excellence.
Calendar Listing
Title: 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science
Date: October 25-28, 2018
Location: Scandic Park, Helsinki, Finland
Audience: Certified Athletic Trainers, Dance Educators, Physical Therapists, Physicians, Researchers.
Contact: Programme Details / Abstract Submissions (; General Enquiries (
Fees (USD)
Healthcare Professionals: $799 (Non-Member); $550 (Member)
Dance Professionals: $599 (Non-Member); $445 (Member)
Students & Seniors: $375 (Non-Member); $265 (Member)
A Day for Teachers (27/10/18): $150 (Non-Member); $150 (Member)
A Day for Medics (27/10/18): $200 (Non-Member); $200 (Member)
*Early Bird Registration (1 August 2018) – Receive $30 off fee
**Late Reigstration Fee (after 1 October 2018) – Additional $50 administration fee/surcharge