
Easy Fundraising in support of Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin

Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin have signed up for the Easy Fundraising programme and are requesting support from the traditional music community.

EYG is a volunteer-run community organisation delivering traditional music tuition to young people in Edinburgh. They hold an annual Easter school and monthly groupwork workshops for teens. Find out more about them here.

If you buy anything online from major retailers like Amazon, Expedia, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis and Tesco, the Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin can receive a donation averaging around 2.5% of everything you spend. This doesn’t involve you paying any more, but you won’t be able to use any vouchers you have.  Registering is easy

Go to

Top row, “Support a good cause”

Under “search for a cause”, enter “Edinburgh Youth Gaitherin”

Next screen “support this cause”

Register name, email address and create a password.

“Create my account”.

Click “Get the Donation Reminder” – this will add the reminder app to your browser

Now whenever you shop with the right retailer, you will be asked if you want to activate a donation.  This comes from the retailer – not from you!  Helping out in this way will make a huge difference to a charity which runs on a shoestring budget.